

This childcare service was established to provide access to child care for Rural and Remote Families within the Northern Midlands Municipality.

Below are listed the aims and objectives of the Child Care Service.

Programs offer Highest Quality Care, reflect cultural diversity and Anti Bias Philosophies and allow for individual differences.

Children’s Developmental needs will be met through programming which reflects the Early Years Learning Framework.

The differing needs of children from the various rural and remote areas will be recognised and acknowledged through a program which offers flexibility.

The programs offered will be age appropriate for the variety of aged children in care.

The service will remain affordable and accessible to as many families as possible.

The service will cater to the special needs children within the service areas, pending that extra funding for support workers is available.

Quality care will be supported by highly qualified and trained staff, including those individuals within each community who posses an interest in quality care for children, complying with the National Quality Framework working towards meeting an exceeding level..

The service will prepare children for schooling within their community area.

A major focus of the program will be to develop positive self esteem, independence, and individual responsibility.

The Northern Midlands Council is an Approved Provider

An approved provider has the legal responsibility under the National the Law and Regulations to ensure effective and compliant governance and management of the Services.